To know the history is a great thing. Back there we got some knowledge and the experiences which we can learn. Here am presenting the history of the inventors of our daily used things and necessities. So that the history is preserved here too..
The order follows as-
And the order followed alphabetically and i collected this from various sources from printed versions and internet. Just uploading the data is mine ,if there exist any error in case of name or the year or invention . I will edit it if you contact me or atleast comment.
1.Adding machine - Blaise Pascal - 1642 - France
2.Addresograph - J.S Dunken - 1893 - America
3.Aeroplane - Wright brothers - 1903 - America
4.Airship(rigid) - G.F.Ran Jespilin - 1900 - Germany
5.Airship(non-rigid) - Henry Jefard - 1852 - France
6.Antiseptic - Dr.Joseph lifter - 1861 - England
7.Argon - William Ramsey - 1894 - England
8.Aspirin - Felix Hoffman - 1899 - Germany.
9.Atombomb - Ottovon - 1941 - Germany.
10.Automobile(Steam) - Nicolas Kugat - 1769 - France
11.Automobile(Gasoline) - Dimlar - 1887 - Germany
12.Automobile(self-starter) - Kettaring - 1911 - America
13.Bakelite - H.Bekland - 1907 - Belgium/America
14.Balloon - MontGolfliar brothers - 1783 - France
15.Ballpoint pen - John.J.Loud - 1888 - America
16.Barbed wire - Joseph F Gliden - 1873 - America
17.Bicycle tyres - John Boyd Dunlop - 1888 - Britain
18.Bi-focal lens - Benzimen Franklin - 1780 - America
19.Bullet - Cloudymyen - 1849 - France
20.Bunsen burner - Robert William Bunsen - 1858 - Germany
21.Burgler alarm - Edwin T.Holmes - 1858 - America
22.Ball bearing - Vangun - 1794 - Britain.
23.Cadmium - Fredrick Sromayer - 1817 - Germany
24.Carburator - Gotilub Dimlar - 1876 - Germany
25.Carnet sweeper - Melwiley Arbisel - 1876 - America
26.Car radio - William Lir Elmer Wavering - 1929 - America
27.Cash register - Jems Retti - 1879 - America
28.Cell phone - Branden Berger - 1900 - Switzerland
29.Celluloid - Alexander Parks - 1861 - England
30.Cement - Joseph Ospidin - 1824 - England
31.Chlorine - Karl Sachilee - 1774 - Sweden
32.Chronometer - John Horrison - 1735 - England
33.Cinema - AugustemariLoui Vicolas Lumiri - 1895 - France
34.Clock(mechanical) - Lian Ling San - 1725 - China
35.Clock(pendulum) - Christian Huygens - 1656 - Netherland
36.Clock(mechamical) - I.Hising - 1725 - China
37.Dental plate - Anthony Plentson - 1817 - America
38.Diesel engine - Rudolf Diesel - 1895 - Germany
39.Diskbike - F.Lanchester - 1902 - England
40.Electronic battery - Alesomdrovolta - 1800 - Italy
41.Electronic blanket - Siemens company - 1946 - America
42.Electric plate iron - H.W.Seley - 1882 - America
43.Electric lamp - Thomas Alva Edison - 1878 - America
44.Electric motor(D.C) - Jenobe Grame - 1873 - Belgium
45.Electric motor(A.C) - Nicolatilsa - 1888 - America
46.Electric generator - Michael Faraday - 1831 - England
47.Electroplating - Bruggnawelly - 1805 - Italy
48.Electromagnet - Spirgian - 1824 - Britain
49.Elevator - I.G.Otis - 1857 - America
50.Electronic computer - J.I.Brenard , J.P. Kerd , J.W.Mouchli - 1942 - America
(photoby ©RyanMcGuire;Gratisography)
51.Fluorine - Henry Mycin - 1886 - France
52.Fountain pen - L.E.Waterman - 1884 - America
53.Piano - Cristopher - 1709 - Italy
54.Gas lighting - Murdak - 1792 - Britain
55.Generator - Pikiyotti - 1860 - Italy
56.Glass - Hugsburg - 1880 - Germany
57.Glider - George kaley - 1853 - England
58.Gramphone - Thomas Edison - 1878 - American
59.Gyrocompass - E.Aeserry - 1905 - America
60.Gyroscope - Lemonfoucald - 1852 - France
61.Helicopter - Etiny Pimochin - 1924 - France
62.Horecraft - CS Kakereel - 1955 - Britain
63.Helium - William Ramsey - 1868 - England
64.Jet engine - Sir Frank Wittle - 1937 - Britain
65.Zerox - Chester clarson - 1938 - America
66.LASER - Fredrick Walton - 1860 - Britain
67.Locomotive(railengine) - Richurch Trivithik - 1804 - Britain
68.Lithography - Penfilder - 1796 - Czecoslovakia
69.Loudspeaker - Hoross short - 1900 - Britain
70.Lift - Elisha G Otus - 1952 - America
71.Lightining conductor - Benzimen Franklin - 1752 - America
72.Leth - Henry Madlcy - 1800 - Britain
73.Laws of Gravitation - Newton - 1687 - England
74.Loom(clothes) - Edmond Cartright - 1785 - England
75.Machine gun - Richard Gatling - 1861 - America
76.Matchstick - Aje E.Loudstrom - 1855 - Sweden
77.Microphone - Alexander Grahambell - 1876 - America
78.Microscope - Jacharin Jenum - 1590 - Netherlands
79.Electronic microscope - Vladimir cosme sworikin - 1939 - Russia
80.Motor cycle - Edward Butler - 1848 - Britain
81.Motor scooter - Grevellie Bridshah - 1919 - Britain
82.Neon lamp - Georgegcloudy - 1915 - France
83.Night club - Libiden Angels - 1843 - France
84.Nylon - H.Carodhers - 1937 - America
85.Ozone - Christian Sconbin - 1839 - Germany
86.Paper - Anonymous(unknown) - 150BC - China
87.Parasuit - A.J.Garnereen - 1797 - France
88.Parkingmeter - Karlton C.Mege - 1835 - America
89.Pasteurisation - Louis Pasteur - 1867 - France
90.Phonograph - Thomas Alwa Edison - 1877 - America
91.Photography(On plate) - J.N.Neepis - 1826 - France
92.Photography(On paper) - W.H.Fox Taltat - 1835 - Britain
93.Photography(On film) - John Carbat - 1888 - America
94.Penicillin - Alexander Fleming - 1829 - Italy
95.Plastic - Hath - 1869 - America
96.Plemwood - Emmanuel Nobel - 1830 - Sweden
97.Printing press - Johnguten Berg - 1455 - America
98.Printing(rotor) - Richard Ho - 1846 - America
99.Pressure cooker - Denis Fasin - 1679 - France
100.Shill propeller - Francis smith - 1827 - Britain
101.Proton - Rutherford - 1919 - Britain
102.Radar - Albert H.Taylor, Leosi yolang - 1922 - America
103.Radioactivity - Antony Bequerel - 1896 - France
104.Radio telegraphy - Lord Rutherford - 1895 - New Zealand
105.Radio - Guggiyomarkani - 1895 - Italy
106.Rayon - Sir.Joseph swann - 1883 - Britain
107.Refrigerator - James Horrison - 1851 - Britain
108.Razer(safety) - King singilshTee - 1815 - Britain
109.Razer(electric) - Jacobshik - 1931 - America
110.Revolver - Samuel cold - 1835 - America
111.Record(long playing) - Peter goldmark - 1948 - America
112.Rubber(tyres) - Thomas Huknak - 1846 - Britain
113.Rubber(volcanised) - Charles Gudiyar - 1841 - America
114.Rubber(waterproof) - Charles machinetosh - 1823 - Britain
115.Rocket engine - Gockard - 1926 - America
116.Safetypin - William hunt - 1849 - America
117.Stitching machine - Charles Vysenthal - 1755 - America
118.Scooter - Grevellie Bradshaw - 1919 - America
119.Ship(steam) - J.C.Periyaar - 1775 - France
120.Ship(turbine) - C.Parson - 1894 - Britain
121.Skyscaper - William Lebaron Jenny - 1882 - America
122.Side rule - William Aagtrade - 1621 - Britain
123.Spinning frame - Richard Arktaitoo - 1769 - Britain
124.Spinning mule - Samuel crampton - 1779 - England
125.Spinning jenny - James Hargreeles - 1764 - England.
126.Steam engine(piston) - Thomas Newcamen - 1712 - England
127.Iron - Hurry Brerarlee - 1913 - England
128.Stethescope - William stokes - 1804 - England
129.Submarine - David Busneth - 1776 - America
130.Tank(war) - Earnest sweenton - 1914 - England
131.Telegraph - Sir William cook , Charles witstone - 1837 - England
132.Telephone - Alexander Grahambell - 1876 - America
133.Telescope - Hans Lippershey - 1608 - Netherlands
134.Television - John Logi Beard - 1926 - Britain
135.Thermometer - Galileo Galili - 1593 - Italy
136.Tractor(Gasoline) - John prolic - 1892 - America
137.Tractor(caterpillar) - Benzimen hold - 1900 - America
138.Transformer - William stanley - 1842 - America
139.Transistor - John Bardon, William shocklee, Walter Bratyne - 1948 - America
140.Tungsten - FastoJunJosdiLlher - 1783 - Spain
141.Typewriter - Mitter hafar - 1864 -Austria
142.Uranium - Martin claproth - 1841 - Germany
143.Washingmachine - Bernes walis - 1907 - America
144.Watch(selfwinding) - Abraham Louis Bregwet - 1791 - France
145.Watch(mechanical) - Barthalomilmanfredi - 1492 - Italy
146.Welding electric - Elisha Thomson - 1877 - America
147.X-ray - William conard Roentzen - 1895 - Germany
148.Rabies vaccine - Louis pasteur - 1885 - France
149.Flush toilet - Alexander Cummings - 1775 - Scotland
150.Internet - Robert E.Kahn ,Vint Cerf.
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