Knowing about the universe is everybodys interest and observing the stars and getting lost in seeing them is a lifetime pleasure. The visuals will stay forever in our lives here, i would like to bring the hall of famers (planets) of the solar system right in. And to write some data about them which i had collected when i was in school from various source(s) .
Of all the universe the planets holds the most prestigious place in science because these are the base to explore further facts in the space. The stars,milkyways,asteriods etc. will follow after these. Let us see what the science share with us about the planets .
The names of the planets (in order) in both English and Hindi(Indian national language,with pronounciation) is below ..
1>Mercury : Buddh बुद्ध
2>Venus : Shukr शुक्र
3>Earth : Prithvi पृथ्वी
4>Mars : Mangal मंगल
5>Jupiter : Brihaspati बृहस्पति
6>Saturn : Shani शनि
7>Uranus : Arun अरुण
8>Neptune : Varun वरुण
(photocredit: ©Caltiva/freeimages)
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✔Nearest planet to the sun.
✔Distamce from the sun - 57.6 million kilometres.
✔Area - 4649.6 kilometres.
✔Rotation - 59 days.
✔Revolution - 88 days.
✔Speed in orbit - 47.9km/s.
✔Average surface temperature - +520°C
✔Satellite(s) - None
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✔Very nearest planet to the earth and called twins ( earth and venus)
✔Distance from the sun - 10.8crore kilometres.
✔Area - 12104 kilometres
✔Rotation - 225 days
✔Revolution - 243 days
✔95% Carbondioxide (Co2)
✔Speed in orbit - 35.0 km/s.
✔Average surface temperature - +480°C
✔Morning star - Evening star
✔Satellite(s) - None
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✔Blue planet
✔Distance from the sun - 15 crore kilometres.
✔Area - 12756 kilometres
✔Rotation - 24hours
✔Revolution - 365.6 days.
✔Blue planet
✔Speed in orbit - 29.8 km/s
✔Average surface temperature - +22°C
✔Satellite(s) - 1 (moon)
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✔Distance from the sun - 22.8 crore kilometres.
✔Area - 6787 kilometres.
✔Rotation - Notdefined
✔Revolution - 687 days
✔Had red spots ,that is why the redplanet.
✔Not suitable for life.
✔Speed in orbit - 24.1 km/s.
✔Average surface temperature - 23°C.
✔Satellite(s) - 2 : 1-Phobas,2-Deemas
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✔Distance from the sun - 77.8 crore kilometres.
✔Area - 142800 kilometres.
✔Rotation - 9 hours 50 minutes 30 seconds.
✔Revolution - 12 years
✔Largest planet
✔Very fast rotation in solar system.
✔Star planet.
✔12 times bigger than the earth.
✔Speed in orbit - 13.1 km/s.
✔Average surface temperature - (-123°C)
✔Satellite(s) - 16 : Europa,Gannimade,Callista etc.
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✔Distance from the sun - 142.7 crore kilometres.
✔Area - 120000 kilometres.
✔Rotation - 10 hours 14 minutes.
✔Revolution - 29.5 years.
✔Golden planet,beautiful planet.
✔Has much less density so float on water.
✔Speed in orbit - 9.6 km/s
✔Average surface temperature - (-180°C).
✔Satellite(s) - 21 : Titan is the biggest one and it is bigger than mercury.
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✔Distance from the sun - 286.9 crore kilometres.
✔Area - 51800 kilometres.
✔Rotation - 11 hours
✔Revolution - 84 years.
✔98% Helium ,hydrogen.
✔Speed in orbit - 6.8 km/s.
✔Average surface temperature - (-218°C).
✔Satellite(s) - 15 : Miranda,aerial,titania,umbril etc.
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✔Distance from the sun - 449.7 crore kilometres.
✔Area - 49500 kilometres.
✔Rotation - 16 hours.
✔Revolution - 165 years.
✔Speed in orbit - 5.4 km/s.
✔Average surface temperature - (-228°C).
✔Satellite(s) - 8 : Tritan is the biggest one.
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