Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
You may have confused what is the title is about? Is it a name or a place? Or does it carry any speciality? The title VIA DOLOROSA is the Latin word which means the way of grief or way of suffering. And it is the path chosen by Jesus to save the world from the sin and being perished . The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the only way that stood the world to face its guilty and that moment where Jesus walked Via Dolorosa from Antonia Fortress west to the Church of the Holy sepulchre . The distance Jesus walked is 650 yards (594.36metres) .
And He walked with the crossbar on his back which weighs 80 to 110 pounds . Many will think that Jesus carried the whole cross to the Calvary but it is not the thing happened ,Jesus only carried the crossbar (the horizontal one to which his arms are nailed) ,and itself it is the heavyweight to carry for a person who is in the state of Jesus, already beaten and tortured before.
In the cross there are two parts
•Stripe(upright post)
(©Simon vouet (1590-1649),wikipedia)
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ occurred during the 1st century AD. Jesus' suffering and redemptive death by crucifixion are the central aspects of Christian theology concerning the doctrines of salvation and atonement.
The Cross is the principal symbol for representing the Christians. It is a symbolic to display for the presence of the followers of Christ , and became the most used symbols among the symbols.
There are non-Christian sources in the history too which will stand up for the Crucifixion of Christ . And it became indisputable and multiple attestation. And there are many historical evidences to prove that the Romans used this Crucifixion process.
Some say that Christ was tied only to an upright beam but it is not true as the experiments on the Crucifixion proved that a person can be hanged with the help of those nails which are used to crucify , and it can be done even without tieing with the ropes. And another thing is about the NAILS ,somesay there are up to eight ,twelve or even fourteen nails used but the fact is there are only three long nails of iron material,square in shape and 7-9 inches long which can pierce through the wrist or palm of a person through that wooden structure. And they are nailed through his wrists but not the palms as the overall weight of the body cannot bearable by the principle of nailing through palms. It is also said that there is a step like think at the below to nail the two feet together with the nail and to rest the feet on it. Probably the nail used for the feet is longer than those used for the hands because this has to go through the two feet of large thickness ,we can think the pain and agony of Christ during that time. It is really unbearable to any human form but He did it for us as a human.
So it is the three nails which kept Jesus hanging on that Cross .
During the walk of Jesus in the streets of Jerusalem , it is very interesting to know some things happened there, many people who believed in Jesus that he is the Messiah and son of God ,assembled there on the streets to see him suffering and a pious local woman named VERONICA offered her veil to Jesus to clear his face. Jesus accepted it and he just pressed his face with the Veronicas' veil and handed over it back to her . This is strongly believed that this is the main proof to know the face of Jesus Christ and later this veil helped to the artists for their portraits.
And on his way Jesus was given an assistance to carry the cross with a person passing by named Simon of Cyrene,and during this time Jesus spoke to the women and replied to their lamentations by addressing them not to cry for Him and to save there tears.
The pain is unexplainable and it can only be know to Christ who undergone through it. Because this is how a 'human to human' cruelty of Romans.
What happened when Christ on Cross?
There are many things that happened when Jesus Christ on that cross, the focused thing is in the temple of Jerusalem the curtain was torn into two pieces delivering a message that the wall (of sin) is now removed and a connection to God is reestablished with the people on earth with the ransom of Jesus Christ.
And the earthquakes , darkening of the world for three days and opening and resurrection of the saints from the tombs are some other which are mentioned in the Gospels of New testament.
And there is one most important thing which is missed above is the SEVEN LAST WORDS which Jesus Spoke (whispered) when he is on Cross. You read it right I mentioned whispered because to be noticed fact here that Jesus was only capable of an unclear whispers is due to the punishment he is associated with. The abdomen and the lungs and other respiratory organs will go out of the control and can't let a person to talk loud(or at least a cry out) on that brutal malice. Because it keeps the breathing inhold and a person can't speak that clearly as conversational when on cross. This is the scientific truth when we think about it, let us see the Last whispers of Christ.
∆1."Father ,forgive them; for they know not what they do"
Luke 23:34
∆2."Amen, I say to thee,today thou shalt be with me in paradise"
Luke 23:43
∆3."Woman,behold thy son,...behold thy mother"
Mark 27:46
∆4."My God ,My God ,why hast thou forsaken me?"
Mark 27:46
∆5."I thirst"
John 19:28
∆6."It is consummated "
John 19:30
∆7."Father,into thy hands I commend my spirit"
Luke 23:46
Traditionally, these seven sayings are called words of
(©Raphel 1483-1520 ,wikipedia)
There is also an inscription called INRI on the top of the cross ,and to display this the 'T' shape is increased in the top .
It is written in the three languages Hebrew, Greek and Latin.
INRI-Iēsus Nazarēnus Rex Iūdaeorum
The above word means Jesus the Nazarene, king of the Jews.
There is also the use of the Crown of thorns
And the relics are capable to pierce the head nerves and it is too painful. The hunters which are used to plough his back are made of lead and iron endings which will plunge the meat when striked. All that suffering is for us.
(Map source : Bible history online)
Above is the via Dolorosa map.
Conclusion: Dear reader,
Whoever you are ,whatever you read is the TRUTH. And it is not the religion to force to follow but it is everyone's way of living. THE BIBLE is the book of facts ,science, history,romance,love ,social,nature,environment and everything.
I know it by reading it. And this post is not intended to try to convert from a religion to religion but to show the gratitude of mine to HIS followers.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
You may have confused what is the title is about? Is it a name or a place? Or does it carry any speciality? The title VIA DOLOROSA is the Latin word which means the way of grief or way of suffering. And it is the path chosen by Jesus to save the world from the sin and being perished . The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the only way that stood the world to face its guilty and that moment where Jesus walked Via Dolorosa from Antonia Fortress west to the Church of the Holy sepulchre . The distance Jesus walked is 650 yards (594.36metres) .
And He walked with the crossbar on his back which weighs 80 to 110 pounds . Many will think that Jesus carried the whole cross to the Calvary but it is not the thing happened ,Jesus only carried the crossbar (the horizontal one to which his arms are nailed) ,and itself it is the heavyweight to carry for a person who is in the state of Jesus, already beaten and tortured before.
In the cross there are two parts
•Stripe(upright post)
(©Simon vouet (1590-1649),wikipedia)
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ occurred during the 1st century AD. Jesus' suffering and redemptive death by crucifixion are the central aspects of Christian theology concerning the doctrines of salvation and atonement.
The Cross is the principal symbol for representing the Christians. It is a symbolic to display for the presence of the followers of Christ , and became the most used symbols among the symbols.
There are non-Christian sources in the history too which will stand up for the Crucifixion of Christ . And it became indisputable and multiple attestation. And there are many historical evidences to prove that the Romans used this Crucifixion process.
Some say that Christ was tied only to an upright beam but it is not true as the experiments on the Crucifixion proved that a person can be hanged with the help of those nails which are used to crucify , and it can be done even without tieing with the ropes. And another thing is about the NAILS ,somesay there are up to eight ,twelve or even fourteen nails used but the fact is there are only three long nails of iron material,square in shape and 7-9 inches long which can pierce through the wrist or palm of a person through that wooden structure. And they are nailed through his wrists but not the palms as the overall weight of the body cannot bearable by the principle of nailing through palms. It is also said that there is a step like think at the below to nail the two feet together with the nail and to rest the feet on it. Probably the nail used for the feet is longer than those used for the hands because this has to go through the two feet of large thickness ,we can think the pain and agony of Christ during that time. It is really unbearable to any human form but He did it for us as a human.
So it is the three nails which kept Jesus hanging on that Cross .
During the walk of Jesus in the streets of Jerusalem , it is very interesting to know some things happened there, many people who believed in Jesus that he is the Messiah and son of God ,assembled there on the streets to see him suffering and a pious local woman named VERONICA offered her veil to Jesus to clear his face. Jesus accepted it and he just pressed his face with the Veronicas' veil and handed over it back to her . This is strongly believed that this is the main proof to know the face of Jesus Christ and later this veil helped to the artists for their portraits.
And on his way Jesus was given an assistance to carry the cross with a person passing by named Simon of Cyrene,and during this time Jesus spoke to the women and replied to their lamentations by addressing them not to cry for Him and to save there tears.
The pain is unexplainable and it can only be know to Christ who undergone through it. Because this is how a 'human to human' cruelty of Romans.
What happened when Christ on Cross?
There are many things that happened when Jesus Christ on that cross, the focused thing is in the temple of Jerusalem the curtain was torn into two pieces delivering a message that the wall (of sin) is now removed and a connection to God is reestablished with the people on earth with the ransom of Jesus Christ.
And the earthquakes , darkening of the world for three days and opening and resurrection of the saints from the tombs are some other which are mentioned in the Gospels of New testament.
And there is one most important thing which is missed above is the SEVEN LAST WORDS which Jesus Spoke (whispered) when he is on Cross. You read it right I mentioned whispered because to be noticed fact here that Jesus was only capable of an unclear whispers is due to the punishment he is associated with. The abdomen and the lungs and other respiratory organs will go out of the control and can't let a person to talk loud(or at least a cry out) on that brutal malice. Because it keeps the breathing inhold and a person can't speak that clearly as conversational when on cross. This is the scientific truth when we think about it, let us see the Last whispers of Christ.
∆1."Father ,forgive them; for they know not what they do"
Luke 23:34
∆2."Amen, I say to thee,today thou shalt be with me in paradise"
Luke 23:43
∆3."Woman,behold thy son,...behold thy mother"
Mark 27:46
∆4."My God ,My God ,why hast thou forsaken me?"
Mark 27:46
∆5."I thirst"
John 19:28
∆6."It is consummated "
John 19:30
∆7."Father,into thy hands I commend my spirit"
Luke 23:46
Traditionally, these seven sayings are called words of
(©Raphel 1483-1520 ,wikipedia)
There is also an inscription called INRI on the top of the cross ,and to display this the 'T' shape is increased in the top .
It is written in the three languages Hebrew, Greek and Latin.
INRI-Iēsus Nazarēnus Rex Iūdaeorum
The above word means Jesus the Nazarene, king of the Jews.
There is also the use of the Crown of thorns
And the relics are capable to pierce the head nerves and it is too painful. The hunters which are used to plough his back are made of lead and iron endings which will plunge the meat when striked. All that suffering is for us.
(Map source : Bible history online)
Above is the via Dolorosa map.
Conclusion: Dear reader,
Whoever you are ,whatever you read is the TRUTH. And it is not the religion to force to follow but it is everyone's way of living. THE BIBLE is the book of facts ,science, history,romance,love ,social,nature,environment and everything.
I know it by reading it. And this post is not intended to try to convert from a religion to religion but to show the gratitude of mine to HIS followers.
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