Advertisements has gone too far...

Before ten years when an advertisement is set to telecast on any channel viewers changed the channel and they only treated that 'ad' as a break and interruption to the show they are watching.
Durex ad screenshot
And as the name itself indicates as a 'break' and people took it as a break too. But now the revolution has occurred and the change that brought in the field of advertising is amazing one and it is a big explosion . In these years the advertisements has gone too far and the makers of the advertisements made the changes very rapidly when we compare to the last ten years to present advertising field made the viewers to stick to them without changing the channel and the graphics and the script are the rawmaterials in this.And the most successful ad makers are contributing their amazing talents and cashing it.
The hiring of the graphic designers and the ad making personnels increased ,in the coming years there may be a chance of lengthening the advertisements and shortening the shows.Recently I saw a new ad from a condom company named Durex™ and this made an advertisement with all the colours that could possibly have in a single album music by any star, with the Bollywood male star in the main character the ad is perfectly with some good music and it gave a new message that ads can be in this way too ,with all the qualities in a musical hit and this is the best example that advertisements won't be put off next time by the viewers

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