How it would be like if a year goes off without any entertainment?

Think if a year opens and it begins with the shut down of the movies, including all the album makings and reality and podcast shows everything down for 365 days. Think how can the world be ? Without the entertainment? The box office gets bankrupted and the 'woods' (Hollywood,Bollywood etc) gets there curtains down and cannot play a single movie in theatres. Can the world move on?
This is the strange thought I got when I am thinking about the movie making and the ccelebrities,everybody when got home from the office turns the TV on and spends their time relaxing back with the shows and humours but what will happen when all these are down? Does it make any difference in our day to day life?
The answer would be yes,because on the globe its the only human species which can negotiate the feelings with smile,humour and dance. And all these are kept together and piled up as an entertainment and our day begins with such amusement and it continues till the night . The headphones keep on working on our ears and the works are said to be done side by side with the indulging of these entertainments and as long there is no place for too much the entertainment keeps on going with the colours which will keep us to cheer and energize us.
For us I keep my very weird thought beside and I on my music player.

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