Resurrection Is All About Love - Easter 2018

Jesus Christ has shown to the world that love is above all. It is his unconditional love that made him give his own life for the sake of humanity and deliver us all from the shackles of the sin. When it tried to overtake our beliefs and strengths, it is his love that grabbed us from the darkness and shut the door on the death.

The love of Christ is an unending topic, his love for his people and his caring for the humanity is worth sharing with the generations and generations. It is not these festivals will stand tall, but the love. And his love isn’t something which is related to a bargain. His love is not materialistic, his love is not the one which expects something in return, and that is why his love is truly unconditional.

When we read the Bible, it only speaks about the eternal life after death, sin and love. Of all these, love is what Jesus taught his disciples. And he has promised the Heavenly father, that he is going to take all the punishment and save the humanity from getting completely washed out from the earth.
He didn’t wagea war against the satanic actions, he didn’t bringany weapons and army and fight with the bad people. He avenged all the sinner only with one weapon, and that is love.

Nobody would believe this will happen because he came on to the earth just like you and me, he has the same emotions and same feelings as us all. He does felt annoyed and angry, but he suppressed every form of bad inside the human heart. Because these things which are dwelling in us will ruin us one day.

World's Showcase - Prasanna Dasari

All that lust for the money, lust for the bodily belongings and lust for the luxurious life etc. all these things will kill us forever one day. These things are good to us, they will fight with our spirit and try to convince us that we are alright and this is amazing to lust for something. In the end, we will suffer a lot.

That pain of guilt is unimaginable, that pain, when we beg for forgiveness, is unexplainable.
We will take a huge time to forgive others, and when we do something wrong and if we apologize for it, we expect the forgiveness to come at an early stage. This is how we are stepping on a wrong map.
The reason for all the suffering of the humanity is the greediness, selfishness, lust and such things. All of us have these insidebecause we are humans and we can’t lie that we don’t have any bad habits.
We are designed in such a way to be both good and bad, we are allowed to take a decision to move on either with the light or the dark. None of us is inevitable, and we all have to undergo the same temptations. The only difference is, those who have an idea and an insight into the love of God, they will never allow the darkness to cover their goodness.

World's Showcase - Prasanna Dasari

It is not about the religion or anything, this is the human truth. And Jesus Christ is the proof that love can go any far to do miracles, he suffered a lot, he didn’t blameanyone who is torturing him with the most vicious punishment strategies, he didn’t give up on the idea of sacrificing even the pain is worst, he didn’t regret at any case about his belief. He silently took all the pain and with that same silence,he won the hearts.

This Easter is about resurrection, resurrect from the bounds of the worldly things and live a life which is a benefit to the others, count in your foes too.
Forgive them who have hurt you to the core and love them to the core, it is not like you are encouraging them to hurt you more, it is that you are teaching them a lesson and allowing them to learn how to live a life like a human.

Our race is the most intelligent species in the entire universe because we have learned so many things and achieved greater heights in a very less time. Let’s keep the aliens topic aside, there been this talk and rumours before too.

What we actually experience in the reality is just us, we are the most powerful ones and we are able to change and influence others.

Let us together learn how to love, how to forgive and how to accept the truth about our lives, this is all that Easter is and this is how the faith of an Ideal Christian.

This is not about preaching everywhere, our life is a path and whoever observes us will definitely get interested in our ideals. Because when you love the other person like Christ did, they will change.
And when we realize that doing bad is injurious to the soul, when we leave the filthy life and move on to assist others in fighting with the bad, we will then able to celebrate the joy of salvation.

“23 Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 
24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 
25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” – John 12:23-25 (NIV)

The ultimate point here is love, the creator of the entire universe never created any particular religion, he never created the castes and tribes, he never created a white or black. What he did is, he created a human. The one with the same appearance, but changes according to the part of the region on earth which he lives. He then created woman to accompany man.

It is not any religion that is dominated in the entire world, we all belong to the same human race, we all are one. When we practice love, we will receive an eternal gift from our creator.

If God wanted us to create the religions, he will definitely label us, like with two noses we call it as this race, with three eyes we call it as this religion, with four legs, we call it as this. He created us in his own image. It is we, the humans designed these religions according to our own will. And we are fighting and defending our creation by saying this is real and this is not.

Practically speaking we never see the God, we are just following the good path which is taught by him and the books in which his existence is written.

Atthe end, what all that matters is the love, because of that love Jesus Christ spent hours on that Cross. He walked in the way and he is ready to lead us to walk in that same way, now we don’t need to give our lives for others like he did, we just need to take a bold step towards accepting each other, respecting the values of others, never hurting the feelings and beliefs of others. You can’t give a life to any person, and in the same way, we can’t take their happiness away from them.

World's Showcase - Prasanna Dasari

Resurrection Sunday is all about resurrecting ourselves from the bad, it is an epic change to accept and realize the blunders and not leaving them uncorrected. Resurrection must happen inside us all. We need to feel the love for everyone and learn to behave.

You may be rich or poor, you may be in the most respectable position on this earth right now. But, if you do not know how to treat others, you are not considered first as a human.

When the world going on a wrong path, the presence of good is disappearing, then a person with Godly heart need to take a step to save this world again. And he will deliver the world from the blindness of filth and turns the mourning into cheerfulness.

Let us all resurrect and spread the love to the entire world. Happy Resurrection Sunday.

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