New Site of Prasanna Dasari - Binsun

Hello, my dear readers, a warm welcome to all of you to my official 3rd site and an unofficial 7th one. It is my greatest pleasure of all time to meet you all in another blog, where the content will be the same, but the approach will be changed. The style and graphics are going to be richer in this site than my previous ones.

Here I am, your Prasanna Dasari, with new innovations and inspirations, with the more powerful team. I am here not alone now. All my previous blogs and articles dealt with the feeling of loneliness inside, making more rounds to consume my positive energy. But, I beat it all and collected my positivity back and am on my feet once again and hence, making all new fresh start.

The writing style will be the same, but the way of delivering the information/message changes here. And I am so proud and it is my honor to work with my special loved one in this site. And this site is not going to be like ‘just another blog’ I am transforming it, and constantly will update it.

I admit that due to various reasons, I wasn’t that much regular in blogging like I was before, and that made me to feel really awkward and I feel so sad that why my all time best talent would go down to the corner. I was away, literally away from writing. And that made me really feel so low. And my dear one and my sister keep on asking me to come back and do what I do.

I was trapped in some kind of gaming addiction, I do not want to mention the name over here, but it is really super and I am very much likely immersed myself in the mobile screen and started playing it continuously after returning from my office.

This year is going so smooth on me, there are major challenges ahead of me, but am stable and at least acting like I am not at all tense. The pains I had undergone and the lovely experiences I had received from my near and dear are the strongest parts of my life.

I have few pillars in my life, and I abide by my rules to constantly contact them and make them feel like am not disappearing from their lives, my presence can be felt with these pieces of writings.

I am the same Prasanna Dasari, just modified and energetic as you can see how energetic I am in this post. And I will be with the same positive vibes forever, this can be treated as a promise, and I am definitely going to stand on the promise I made.

You will be seeing many posts publishing here. Don’t panic, we will just move those posts from my other site Worldsshowcase dot com and Prasanna Dasari dot com is going to fade in three months.

Maintaining the three sites is never going to be a possible task so I will be dedicating myself and involving in the tasks to develop this single website and make the most of it.

As always, there will be no ads on this site too. No matter what happens, I have never disturbed you with the ads, my content is always free to read, free to use (educational purpose only).

With all my efforts, I made it here today, I am good now at health and stable in my mind. And I am confident this time, that I will utilize all my resources in a productive way.

Binsun - Prasanna Dasari

Coming to the main concept, this site’s name is not a pre-planned outcome, within few minutes I have decided to migrate back to home, and I did it as soon as the thought hit my mind.

The name of the site is BINSUN and it is not a strange word, I have mixed up the names of my loved one and made it into a name. It doesn’t have any particular meaning, but it is now going to change the whole concept.

I would like to reveal the logo for my site in this post, and it is definitely going to take some more time to set up the theme and templates, text and content in this site, for that, I will be working sincerely until the site reaches the target designing.

Also this time, there is a promise for my readers that all the images will be in HD and I had also maintained the same in my previous sites, but from them, I had learned many more professional things and how to apply them. This is the logo for the Binsun site …

I am going to take a break now and back to the design work. I will be back with more loyal and royal information which will make us all filled with inspirations and innovations. Be innovative… See you soon.

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